FCIA Fine Chocolate Glossary

Frequently asked questions

If your question is not answered in these FAQ, please feel free to contact the Glossary team at glossary@finechocolateindustry.org.

The Glossary currently has completed entries for about 14% of all terms listed. We understand that it might be frustrating to see many terms not yet defined. However, please know that we are adding completed entries all the time, as well as new terms, and are actively seeking authors for new entries.

Glossary contributors have told us that it takes anywhere from 1-6 hours to complete an entry, including any images or video links. When authors collaborate on an entry, it tends to take a little longer (more towards 6 hours per person), due to time dedicated to conversations and exchange of ideas. However, collaborating authors have also told us that the experience of collaborating was very enriching, and that they authored a more comprehensive entry together than individual authors could have done on their own.

Ideally, we ask for a two-week turnaround from commitment to author to submitting your completed entry. However, we recognize that you have a busy schedule, and we will gladly work with you to agree on a deadline that makes sense for your timetable and ours.

Yes! We encourage collaboration and will be very glad for you to reach out to someone you already know to co-author your entry.

Again, yes! Just let us know at the email address above, and we will help you find an expert co-author for your entry.

We started with an initial list of about 150 terms that we brainstormed as being relevant to the fine chocolate ecosystem. From there, FCIA members, potential authors, industry experts, and Glossary users have all suggested new terms to be added. If you would like to suggest a term to be included, please use the feedback form at the bottom of the homepage and at the end of every Glossary entry. We will add it as soon as we can!

Most Glossary authors have been invited to define one or more terms, based on their professional experience, thought leadership, or research expertise in the fine chocolate ecosystem. We rely upon a wide network of industry professionals and researchers who are based in all the major fine chocolate markets (both producer and consumer markets), starting with FCIA members and branching out to other related industries in the ecosystem, including researchers, media professionals, scientists, professors, NGO leaders, and so forth.

Yes! If you are a fine chocolate professional, or have expertise in the fine chocolate ecosystem and would like to define a term, please use the feedback form to let us know. You can use that same form to suggest another person as a potential author also.

Not at all. If you are a fine chocolate professional, or have expertise in the fine chocolate ecosystem and would like to define a term, please use the feedback form to let us know. You can use that same form to give feedback on any entry.

Great question! While anyone can submit feedback at any time, the Glossary sub-committee meets twice a year to review feedback, share it with authors, and manage the process of updating entries. The sub-committee is currently agreeing a review schedule and will post that information here as soon as it is available.

Yes. Ideally, the original author will respond to feedback and update or revise their entry accordingly. We may also reach out to the person who provided the feedback, or to another expert, to revise the entry.

As of its launch, all Glossary entries are in English. We plan to offer entries in Spanish soon.

Thank you for asking this question, and the answer is yes. There are many terms that do not translate very well from English to the language of the context in which they are used. We welcome original entries authored in other languages, and will make every effort to collaborate with the author or a professional translator to provide an English-language translation.

Great! Please send a message to the Glossary team at glossary@finechocolateindustry.org with the subject line: “glossary committee.”