Chocolate, Bean to Bar
“Bean to bar” is an approach to making chocolate that communicates added value and a focus on maximizing the natural View Definition
“Bean to bar” is an approach to making chocolate that communicates added value and a focus on maximizing the natural View Definition
Any product consisting of a shell or outer coating made with chocolate, with a filling which may be flavored or View Definition
Fine chocolate is defined in terms of its flavor, texture, and appearance, as well as how its limited ingredients, high
A chocolate product made using a mold to create a solid chocolate shell, whose shape ranges from regular (such as View Definition
The level at which the supply chain, production, sale, and consumption of chocolate meets the needs of today, without compromising View Definition
Chocolatiers are artisans who melt and temper chocolate couverture to re-form it into a bar, a bonbon, a confection, a View Definition